i started this post about 3 weeks ago and just got the photos uploaded and then became entirely distracted by our move. i will now attempt to finish (briefly and quickly) if i can remember what all i wanted to say here.

this was maples first "real stuff" (as opposed to scribbles) drawing. mommy helped her learn how to draw faces, stick figures, and flowers. the green thing is her flower and she did everything in blue. you can see a whole person there on the far right. very proud mommy here.
maple says here marker tastes like red.

already coming up with some good ideas for halloween too.

this picture is blowing my mind because i only took it a few weeks ago and already this boy has changed so much. alaska is obsessed with standing and is having fun trying to walk with help from mom or any random object he can grab onto and push around. this kid is growing up way too fast. he will be ONE in less than 3 weeks and has just got his 5th tooth and now working on number 6.

he is super happy (except when teething) and a little snotty in this shot.

maple loves to eat snow. she calls it ice cream. i forgot to put gloves on her and after a few minutes of snow gorging she realized her fingers were freezing and started freaking out. oops. bad mommy. this snow was, yes a few weeks ago, very pretty, but nothing compared to the 11 inches that dumped on us yesterday. at our new house we actually have a yard and a little hill and we got to ride the sled down it and build a snowman (ben and i did this while maple hung out eating snow).

this deck used to be our only outdoor play space and now we have a real backyard which i will share with you sometime in the near future.

pretty view from the old house. also soon to share pretty views from the new house.
ok. now thats done. i promise i will get you the scoop on the move and the new house soon.
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