so we had a last minute change of plans and went to visit ben's parents for thanksgiving. we found out sonny, ben's dad, won't be here for xmas this year so we wanted to get in some much needed family time with him before he left. and one more group hug! we had a very nice lunch with them and the kids had a blast. sonny built an amazing train table and maple was pretty much glued to it the entire time we were there. i don't know why i didn't get a picture. spent about 5 hours in the car, round trip, too. so needless to say we were pretty darn exhausted by the time we got home.
so, since i didn't get it done yesterday i am spending today cleaning and pulling out our tree and decorations. we don't have much so it isn't much of a chore. but i am looking forward to dolling up the house with some garland and ornaments.
and i am officially feeling the CRUNCH! i thought i had everything pretty much under control but now that T-day is past i am realizing how much i have left to do to get all of my projects completed. yikes. time to get organized.
hope everyone had a great day of feasting yesterday.