WOW!! winter is HERE! it snowed twice last week and has been downright frigid. woke up to 14 degrees yesterday. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR. this morning we've got freezing rain in the forecast and MORE snow tomorrow. the snowfalls have really been beautiful and maple has LOVED playing in the snow.

ben got her a sled and they cruised up and down the road. she had a lot more fun than the pictures might tell you, (she has a straight face for the camera these days.)

alaska and i couldn't hang too long in the brutal cold. i love this shot though. he's saying "oooooh, its cold!"

what do you think of the kids hats? i love alaska's. has to be my favorite baby hat pattern (another ltk pilot cap.) maples is WAY HUGER than it looks in the pic. its actually too big even for me. don't know how that happened. i'm not real thrilled with it, but haven't gotten around to making her a new one yet. i will try to post some better pics later.
hope everyone's staying warm!
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