Saturday, July 12, 2008

my momentous day

yesterday was a BIG day. some really awesome things happened.

to start out, i put on a pair of pants that WERE NOT maternity pants. HELLS YEAH!!!! at long last! i came home from the hospital weighing about 40 pounds more than i did before i got pregnant and i have been hard at work over the last few months to drop drop drop that weight. major milestone here. now i still have about 20 pounds and three sizes to go before i get to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes, but seriously it feels so good to say goodbye to those preggo pants.

and the whole reason i even got dressed yesterday?

say goodbye to my cheap crappy dead battery old cell phone and HELLO to my amazingly awesome super dooper new iPhone!!!!

oh yes. i am the very proud owner of a new iPhone 3G. definitely the coolest techy electronical thing i've ever owned. these suckers went on sale at 8am yesterday morning and yes we stood in line with both kids to get one. luck was definitely on our side. ben drove by the at&t store at 6am on his way into coyote and saw no line so we made no rush getting to the store. we got to the mall a little after seven and saw a line had formed but it wasn't that big so we went and got some coffee and mosied over to stand and wait. then we found out our store only had 20 phones to sell. thats right, 20 PHONES. what!?! i mean the line wasn't long but it wasn't that short either. were we screwed? holy cow!! our numbers in line? 19 and 20!!!! i couldn't believe it. seriously lucky. our kids were total troopers too and did so well as we waited from 7:30 until just past 9 to get into the store. you may have heard about the apple server crash which is why we waited so long and then never even got our phones working. we finally left the store at 10:30 and got our phones working sometime after 2 in the afternoon. so worth all the trouble though. i LOVE my new phone.

after setting up and playing with my new toy for a few hours i got down to business and finished seaming the second of the two cowls i have been knitting.

yay!!! another finished project. these were really fun to make. i think i will keep the blue one and gift the green. for my next project i am going to try to knit cables in a hat pattern i really like with yarn that i don't like so much but really need to use up.

and so concludes my momentous day.


Lessa...... said...

That is awesome Jaime!!! I'm so jealous! Love your guts!!

SuzeeZee said...

Very cool-- what a great day! Your knitting is so awesome and I love your happy face! Mama

Tito and The Gang said...

Yay! Iphone! Yay! Knitting!